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Fortnite’s 50 v 50 mode is back and users are beyond excited. Fortnite has introduced many different limited time only game modes, but none have been as well received and constantly asked for like the 50 v 50 mode. The game mode is pretty self-explanatory, instead of dropping out of the battle bus in squads of four, two, or solo, players are split into two teams each consisting of a whopping 50 players. What happens next is an all-out war between the two factions. It may sound hectic from its description but honestly, it couldn't be further from it. Its both refreshing and flat out surprising seeing how nice total strangers will be for their teammates offering up resources, healing items, and even weapons to help propel each other to victory. Which brings me to my main point, the 50 v 50 mode works almost perfectly as a training mode.
Think about it, playing in the 50 v 50 mode already negates most of the stress of playing a battle royal game since instead of it being you and 3 other people against 96 other opponents, or worse you alone against 99, you now have 49 other people helping you along giving you plenty of protection from the John Wicks and scary professionals sniping you before you even have a chance to say, “ I see a guy 250.” 50 v 50 allows you take a more leisurely approach, slowly finding and grouping up with all your teammates and then picking off the enemy team one by one. You also get a perfect opportunity to learn how to build. The building mechanic in Fortnite is what separates the casuals from the professionals, and usually during the regular game modes it can be pretty scary to just start building up a large fort as it puts a bit of a target on your head. In 50 v 50 mode however, you will likely have a small army around you as you fool around with the building tools so it makes enemies choosing to ambush you a lot less likely. Plus we can't forget perhaps the most important point of all, playing in 50 v 50 mode drastically increases your chance of getting a victory. Now sure it might not hold the same weight as that first solo victory or even the one with three of your closest homies, but still a victory is a victory am I right? Besides after a few frustrating losses in the top five, it feels nice to see that Victory Royale in the center screen. So all and all Epic games really hit a homerun with this game mode so definitely get in and give it a chance before it's gone.
P.S, Epic games please make this a permanent game mode thank you in advance.