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Overwatch 2 is a team-based first-person shooter developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. One of the most popular game modes in Overwatch 2 is the ranked play.
Ranked play is a game mode in Overwatch 2 where players can compete against other players in a more competitive environment. Players are ranked based on their performance in games, and the objective is to climb up the ladder to the highest rank. The ranking system is designed to match players with others of a similar skill level, creating a fair and balanced playing field.
Blizzard has recently had an AMA with the community and talked about upcoming changes to rank play. One thing Blizzard is looking to change is players leaving early in matches and how to handle them. Blizzard is considering a punishment where players that leave their matches early will carry their punishments over to the next season, this is to try and prevent the same offenders from continuing this through each season.
Upcoming changes to rank will include the addition of a 75% penalty to all XP gains, they will also be putting a time restriction on joining your next match if caught sabotaging or leaving early. If continued this can lead to losing your rank and being banned from the entire season. Blizzard also stated the SR Decay for not playing over such a long period of time will no longer be in effect allowing players to keep their SR when they return in the future.
In Overwatch 2, the ranked play system is based on a skill rating (SR) system. Players are given an initial SR based on their performance in placement matches, and from there, their SR will increase or decrease depending on their wins and losses. The more games a player wins, the higher their SR will be, and the more games they lose, the lower their SR will be.
Players are matched with others of a similar skill level, creating a fair and balanced playing field. The goal is to climb up the ladder and reach the highest rank, which in Overwatch 2 is Grandmaster.
Players who participate in ranked play will be rewarded with exclusive rewards, such as player icons, sprays, and competitive points. Competitive points can be used to purchase golden weapons, which are unique weapon skins that can only be obtained through ranked play.
In addition to these rewards, players who reach the higher ranks will also receive end-of-season rewards, such as exclusive sprays and player icons.