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Skill Based Matchmaking in COD

Skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) in Call of Duty (CoD) refers to the system that pairs players in online matches based on their skill level. The goal is to create a more balanced and competitive gaming experience by ensuring that players are matched with others of similar ability. Here’s a detailed overview of SBMM in CoD:

How SBMM Works

Skill Assessment: The game assesses a player's skill level using various metrics, including kill/death ratio (K/D), win/loss ratio, accuracy, score per minute, and other in-game performance statistics.

Matchmaking Algorithm: An algorithm analyzes these metrics to assign a skill rating to each player. This rating determines who they are matched against in multiplayer games.

Dynamic Adjustment: The skill rating is dynamic, adjusting based on the player's recent performance. If a player improves, they will be matched with stronger opponents, and vice versa.

Pros of SBMM

Fair Matches: Players face opponents of similar skill, making matches more competitive and fair.

Improved Experience for New Players: Novice players are less likely to be dominated by highly skilled players, reducing frustration and increasing enjoyment.

Encourages Improvement: Players are motivated to improve their skills to face tougher competition.

Cons of SBMM

Reduced Casual Play: Skilled players may find it harder to have relaxed, casual matches as they are consistently paired against tough opponents.

Matchmaking Time: Finding equally skilled players can sometimes increase matchmaking time, especially at higher skill levels.

Smurfing: Some players might create new accounts to face less skilled opponents, disrupting the balance.

Controversy and Community Feedback

Community Split: The CoD community is divided on SBMM. Some appreciate the balanced competition, while others miss the randomness and variety of traditional matchmaking.

Transparency Issues: Many players feel the system is not transparent enough, leading to confusion and frustration about how matches are made.

Developer Stance: Developers often defend SBMM as necessary for a fair and enjoyable experience for the majority of players, but they also tweak the system based on feedback.

Alternatives and Adjustments

Ranked vs. Casual Modes: Some suggest having separate ranked (with SBMM) and casual (random matchmaking) modes to cater to different player preferences.

Hybrid Systems: Implementing a hybrid system where matchmaking factors in skill but also incorporates some level of randomness to maintain a varied experience.


Skill-based matchmaking in Call of Duty aims to create a balanced and fair playing field by matching players of similar abilities. While it has its advantages in terms of fair competition and player retention, it also faces criticism for making casual play less enjoyable for higher-skilled players and for a perceived lack of transparency. Developers continue to tweak and adjust SBMM systems based on player feedback to strike the right balance.