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Warzone update fixes BUG.

The latest update for Warzone has addressed a significant but unintended change introduced with Season 5, where players could survive falls from much greater heights than originally intended. This issue revolved around the Mountaineer perk, which already provided players with the ability to withstand higher falls by doubling the height required for fall damage to become lethal.

In Warzone, fall damage usually becomes lethal when a player drops from a height of around 13 meters. However, the Mountaineer perk pushes this threshold to approximately 26 meters, allowing for greater mobility and strategic positioning across the map. But after the Season 5 update, players discovered that this perk had received an unintentional buff, allowing them to survive falls from an even greater height—up to 34 meters—making it possible to leap from unprecedented heights without any lethal consequences.

This discovery quickly spread within the Warzone community, especially after content creator IceManIsaac highlighted the significant change. He demonstrated how the perk now allowed players to jump from heights previously deemed suicidal without dying, significantly altering how players approached the game’s verticality. Along with this perk-specific change, general fall damage mechanics were also affected by the update. Players could now survive a fall from 16 meters, up from the previous 13 meters, meaning that even without the Mountaineer perk, the risk of falling to one’s death was reduced.

The unintended buff led to a short-lived but dramatic shift in gameplay. Players began taking advantage of the newfound freedom to traverse the map, particularly in vertical environments like Al Mazrah, where high ground often plays a crucial role in gameplay strategy. This ability to jump from extraordinary heights without dying made for some exhilarating moments and creative plays. However, this change was not meant to be, as it was never intended by Raven Software, the developers behind Warzone.

Upon realizing the mistake, Raven Software acted quickly to address the issue. The developers deployed an update that fixed the problem, rolling back the fall damage changes to their intended state. In their update notes, Raven Software mentioned that they had “fixed an issue allowing players to fall from higher than intended without taking damage.” As a result, players can no longer exploit the unintentional buff to survive falls from extreme heights, bringing the gameplay experience back in line with the developers’ original vision.

The community had mixed reactions to the fix. While some players mourned the loss of this temporary but powerful strategy, others acknowledged that it was necessary to maintain the game’s balance. For those who had enjoyed the brief period of being able to leap from great heights with impunity, the update marked the end of a dream. Some community members expressed their disappointment on social media, with one player humorously telling IceManIsaac that it was “time to wake up, the dream is over.”

While the Mountaineer perk may no longer be as powerful as it was during this brief period, it remains a valuable asset in Warzone. The perk’s ability to mitigate fall damage still makes it an attractive choice for players looking to maximize their mobility and survive longer in high-stakes situations. Even with the nerf, being able to jump from higher heights will continue to be advantageous in certain scenarios.

In addition to fixing the fall damage issue, the update also addressed a problem with Trophy Systems, which had caused the Bunker Buster killstreak to be unusable for the duration of a match. This fix ensures that players can once again rely on this killstreak to turn the tide in intense battles. As players adapt to these changes, Warzone will continue to evolve, with new strategies emerging as the community adjusts to the latest updates.