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Another year means another great season of Madden is upon us. With the release of Madden 21 comes roster updates, new features, and that same competitiveness Madden is known for. At Checkmate Gaming we are making sure that Madden 21 competitive lives up to the hype by offering over $6,000 in daily free to enter tournaments for both PS4 and XB1. If tournaments aren't your thing, don't worry, we offer head to head cash challenges with lower fees and faster withdrawals than any other website. Join us NOW and make cash on Madden 21! More details on how to get involved can be found below.
Subscriber Tournaments
During the first week of the Madden 21 release, CMG will be hosting over $500 in prizes for Madden Influencers through their Subscriber Tournaments. Below you will be able to see our current schedule for Subscriber Tournaments.
Neon Sniper Panda - PS4 - Monday at 6:00 PM EDT - $100 Prize - Enter Here
Golden Glover - PS4 - Tuesday at 6:00 PM EDT - $100 Prize - Enter Here
Larry Fishburger - PS4 - Wednesday at 6:00pm EDT - $100 Prize - Enter Here
CleffTheGod - XB1 - Thursday at 6:00pm EDT - $100 Prize - Enter Here
JERZ Network - PS4 - Friday at 6:00pm EDT - $100 Prize - Enter Here
Over the next few weeks, we are going to be giving out over $300 in giveaways. Get entered in these giveaways on our Twitter.
Double XP
With the release of Madden 21, we are going to be activating Double XP Weekend across all of CMG for every single user! Jump into Challenges and Tournaments to start earning Double XP!
Starting: Friday, September 28, 7:00 PM EDT
Ends: Monday, September 31, 12:00 AM EDT