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Season 4 of Fortnite is well underway and data miners are already looking to find out what this season has in store for us. Data Miners from the community site Storm Shield One, have been hard at work looking through Epic Game’s code to see what gems lie in store for us.
Let’s first start off with the leaked emotes that have recently been confirmed. The data mine showed off a thumbs up and thumbs down emote that has recently appeared in the daily item shop. These two uncommon level emotes each worth 200 V-bucks, are serving up some serious Gladiator vibes that should be fun to toss at your friends if they clutch out a huge play or embarrass themselves beyond belief.
We also found out we were being blessed with some good ole internet nostalgia with the now recently released boneless emote that is heavily based off of Nathan Barnatt’s signature no bones dance move. For those of you who don’t spend too much time on Youtube, Nathan Barnatt was a viral sensation circa 2011 whose Youtube dance videos garnered him all types adoration and fame based on his awkward looking yet technically impressive dance moves and incredibly well-edited videos.
As for the yet to be released content, from the looks of things Fortnite is keeping up with the trend of giving players perfect emotes that help really rubs salt on the wounds of those you eliminate with that 200-meter snipe. Last season gave us the Take the L emote along with salt bae himself. This season is offering us a good ole chicken dance to really show your enemies who’s boss.
There also seems to be a new epic level emote on the horizon called freestyling which from the looks of some leaked footage, appears to be a combination of previously released dance emotes combined into one freestyle dance season. These dance moves look like they are going to be the perfect show-off emote for when you’re trying to impress all those people in the lobby moments before the battle bus takes off.
Overall season 4 is continuing its hot streak of amazing emotes that have been constantly causing us to dig into our wallets to fork over some more V-bucks. Epic Games certainly knows its audience and is paying close attention to the latest memes and dance crazes that it can digitally recreate in the ever addicting world of Fortnite.