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Phantom vs Vandal Valorant Debate

The debate between the Phantom and Vandal in Valorant is a popular topic among players, each weapon offering distinct advantages and drawbacks that cater to different playstyles and scenarios. Here’s a detailed comparison to help understand the debate:



  1. Rate of Fire:

    The Phantom has a higher rate of fire (11 rounds/sec) compared to the Vandal (9.75 rounds/sec). This makes it more forgiving in close to mid-range combat where missing a shot is less detrimental.
  2. Spray Pattern:

    The Phantom's spray pattern is generally easier to control, especially in full-auto mode. This makes it more reliable for players who prefer to spray and pray.
  3. Silencer:

    The Phantom is equipped with a silencer, which makes it harder for enemies to pinpoint your location when you fire. This can be advantageous in maintaining stealth and surprise.
  4. Range-Based Damage:

    The Phantom maintains consistent damage at closer ranges (0-15 meters), dealing 156 damage to the head. Its damage drops off at longer ranges (15-50 meters), but it remains highly effective in most common engagement distances.
  5. No Tracers:

    Shots from the Phantom don't leave visible tracers, which can make it harder for enemies to locate the shooter during sustained fire.


  1. Damage Drop-off:

    The Phantom suffers from damage drop-off at longer ranges, making it less effective in long-range engagements compared to the Vandal.
  2. One-Tap Potential:

    At ranges beyond 15 meters, the Phantom no longer has the potential to kill with a single headshot, which can be a significant disadvantage in some situations.



  1. Consistent Damage:

    The Vandal deals consistent damage regardless of range (160 damage to the head), making it lethal at all distances with a single headshot.
  2. One-Tap Potential:

    The Vandal's ability to kill with one headshot at any range is a crucial advantage, especially in long-range duels.
  3. Simplicity:

    • Its damage output and headshot capability make it a straightforward choice for players who favor precision over sustained fire.


  1. Rate of Fire:

    The Vandal has a slower rate of fire compared to the Phantom, which can be a disadvantage in close-quarters combat where rapid shots are needed.
  2. Spray Control:

    The Vandal's spray pattern is harder to control, making it less forgiving in prolonged engagements or when aiming at multiple targets.
  3. Noise:

    Without a silencer, the Vandal is louder and can reveal the shooter's position more easily than the Phantom.


Phantom: Best for close to mid-range engagements, spray control, and situations where stealth is important.

Vandal: Best for long-range engagements and players with excellent aim who can capitalize on its one-tap headshot potential.

Ultimately, the choice between the Phantom and Vandal depends on personal preference, playstyle, and the specific context of the game. Some players prefer the Phantom's rate of fire and stealth, while others favor the Vandal's consistent damage and one-tap capability. Many top players switch between the two depending on the map and the round's strategy.