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A sure way to get better at something is to learn from the best. There are not many better at Fortnite than Ninja, and he’s got plenty of gems to share with viewers and enthusiasts on his stream. From building techniques to choosing the best, most optimal gunfights to engage in, here are some key points to take away, learn, and add to your own playstyle.
1. Know when to Disengage
One of the best ways to make a big play is noticing a bad situation brewing and choosing to reset the circumstances, to better your chances at survival. If Ninja ever gets out built, or his opponent has the height advantage/ better angle on him, he will purposefully slow his play style, assess his surroundings, and put himself into a better frame to win the exchange. Sometimes it’s better to lose a battle to win the war. Know when to run and lick your wounds, and you just might survive a bit longer next game.
2. Don’t be afraid to Shoot Cover
It’s intimidating when a legendary skin decides to channel his or her inner Frank Lloyd Wright and build an insane fortress in 8 seconds. But, the thing to remember is, unlike Wright’s “castles in the sky,” Fortnite’s structures do need to be attached to a foundation. If the underlying structure of ANY building is destroyed, anything and everything build above it is demolished as well. So, if you find yourself needing to storm a fortified position, chec to see if you can AR burst the walls, ramps supporting it down, and bring your would be murderer down before they even know what hit them.
3. The Shotgun-Stair Peek is your best friend
Understand that shotguns, in the current meta of the game (4/27/18), are your best option in 85-90% of close quarter engagements. Even if your shot isn’t the best in the game, a blue pump quick peeking over a built ramp, shooting down onto your opponent is both terrifying and destructive. The height advantage gives your headshot potential an exponential increase, and a critical headshot will tear your opponent’s shields and hp apart. Ninja recommends waiting for the opponent to make the first shot, and punishing hard with a super safe, head glitch peek over your built structure.