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Former CoD pro beats WR.

Doug ‘Censor’ Martin was a pro Call of Duty player for over a decade before deciding to throw in the towel in early 2024. And, while Censor’s always been in good shape, a renewed focus on fitness and charity as a motivator drove him to break the world record for doing the most pull-ups in 24 hours.

What’s more, Censor’s been training to complete this challenge for well over a year. Posts dating back to 2023 show him trying to complete the challenge before hitting a wall, claiming he went until his hands started to bleed.

In July2023, he only had about five hours of pull-ups in him, claiming that the process took its toll on his body as early as the three-hour mark.

A year and a half later, Censor beat the record with 5 hours to spare. Almost 9,000 pull-ups down in 19 hours, showing the record has ample room for new contenders.

As if that wasn’t enough, Censor kept going until he hit 9,250 pull-ups and put himself far ahead of the record. At that point, though, he was done.